Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fullness of the Holy Spirit

This weekend I attended a retreat with Renewal in Christ Ministries and on the $1.00 used book table found a book I had read in college and found most helpful in my Christian walk (and had given away a handful of copies of) called Baptism and Fullness by John Stott. In an age where many evangelists and teachers talk about "baptism in the Holy Spirit" or being "full of the Holy Spirit" a book like this is so helpful. Rev. Stott goes straight to the Bible to help determine what being filled with the Holy Spirit is, and what it is not and this is one of the best scholarly works on this I've come across. As with all of our Christian life we need to be informed by good, Biblical, apostolic theology and this little gem provides just that. It is not only a book of theology butalso addresses many of the questions we have about "Well what about...?" or "How does one become filled with the Holy Spirit?" Our Christian life is rooted in the belief in a Triune God and often-times I find that one-third of the Trinity doesn't get much attention. So I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in a simple yet bountiful treatise on God the Holy Spirit the Lord the Giver of Life!
(and would be glad to loan you my recently acquired copy).

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