Tuesday, May 29, 2007


You'll notice the lack of posts for a while. The last two weeks have been busy. We had finals two weeks ago and then last week was Commencement week. A sort "all hands on deck" week with tons of family, friends, bishops, trustess, etc. here at Nashotah.
It's a bit strange, we went from the campus being swarmed with people and tons of activity one day to a virtual ghost town the next. It's been tough to say good-bye to some really great friends we've made this year but are excited that they're moving on to serve in Christ's Church.
Sooo...I've just completed my first year of seminary. One year ago I was working at State Farm, pulling all-nighters to prepare our house to sell and wavering between, "I can't believe I'm really going away to Nashotah House to study for the priesthood!" and "I can't believe I'm leaving my career, selling my house and moving out of state...to go away to Nashotah House to study for the priesthood." Ha ha. God is so good though. After this year I can say even more confidently this is a dream come true.
We've got a little bit of down-time for the next three weeks and then off to Massachussetts for a six week internship at Christchurchhttp://www.christchurchhw.org/
Re: the picture above. On a recent Sunday afternoon the Junior Class gathered for a cookout and some dodge-ball. A few chaps and I thought it all too barbaric and opted instead for a nice genteel game of croquet. To be in good form we thought it appropriate to play in our blue blazers, smoke our pipes and have a spot of Sherry to top it off (never mind the shorts, tennies and funky socks). It was a grand.
And the future of the Church is being entrusted to this?

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